Our Ministries
We are proud to be an active parish with a variety of ways for you to get involved. Below is an alphabetic list of the different ministries and groups that we offer.
Adult & Children's Choir
Contact: Kevin Scott
Email: Kevinjscottmusic@gmail.com -
Altar Servers/Altar Server Training
Contact: Parish Office
office@stdunstanparish.org -
Altar Society/Sacristans
Contact: Open Volunteer Opportunity!
Building & Grounds
Open position - Volunteers needed
Cookie Ministry
Contact: Anna-Marie Samulis
Email: amsamulis@cox.net
Parish Picnic Committee
Open to volunteers!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Contact: Jean Nolan
jeannln@aol.com -
Senior Luncheon
Contact: Eileen Cullinane
Email: cullec@aol.com -
Walking With Purpose
Contact the Office
Women's Book Club
Contact: Linda Rimkunos