For girls and boys in Grades 7 & 8
Blaze and Ignite
Blaze (7 & 8 Grade Girls)
BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry for teen/tween girls. It was created to counteract the way our society drives girls to question their identity, worth and beauty. Through BLAZE, we emphasize how a girl's identity is rooted in Christ as God's chosen, beloved daughter. An antidote to bullying, anxiety and body image issues, BLAZE replaces lies with truth and strengthens girls from the inside out through the use of Scripture-based programs.
October 27, 1:00
November 10, 1:00
November 17, 1:00
December 8, 1:00
December 15, 1:00
January 5, 1:00
January 12, 1:00
January 26, 1:00
February 2, 1:00
Workshop: February 23 HAS BEEN CANCELED
Celebration Mass: March 9, 10-12:30
October 22, 6pm
October 29, 6pm
November 12, 6pm
November 19, 6pm
December 10, 6pm
December 17, 6pm
January 7, 6pm
January 14, 6pm
January 28, 6pm
February 4, 6pm
Workshop: February 25 HAS BEEN CANCELED
Celebration Mass: March 9, 10-12:30pm
October 24, 7:15pm
November 7, 7:15pm
November 14, 7:15pm
November 21, 7:15pm
December 12, 7:15pm
December 19, 7:15pm
January 9, 7:15pm
January 16, 7:15pm
January 30, 7:15pm
February 6, 7:15pm
Workshop: February 27 HAS BEEN CANCELED
Celebration Mass: March 9, 10-12:30pm
Contact: Luciana Wiksten
Email Coordinator blazeandignite@stdunstanparish.org
Please save the dates for Parent Meetings
Tuesday 9/17, 7-8pm
Tuesday 3/11, 7-8pm
Ignite (7 & 8 Grade Boys)
IGNITE is a Beta test program for tween/teen boys that compliments the girl's program. In IGNITE, boys will forge a Christ-centered brotherhood that will strengthen them on their faith journey. The adventure of growing into a young man is like climbing a mountain. There is beauty, challenge, and wonder. There are moments where new pathways need to be forged and terrain where a guide is needed. This adventure is made better when surrounded by a brotherhood that seeks to reach the same summit. IGNITE will provide a basecamp for engaging the world in hopes of transforming and claiming it for Christ. IGNITE consists of activity-based lessons that affirm the gifts of manhood through biblical truths, Church teaching, and prayer.
October 22, 7:15pm
October 29, 7:15pm
November 12, 7:15pm
November 19, 7:15pm
December 10, 7:15pm
December 17, 7:15pm
January 7, 7:15pm
January 14, 7:15pm
January 28, 7:15pm
February 4, 7:15pm
Workshop: February 25 HAS BEEN CANCELED
Celebration Mass: March 9, 10-12:30pm
October 24, 6pm
November 7, 6pm
November 14, 6pm
November 21, 6pm
December 12, 6pm
December 19,6pm
January 9, 6pm
January 16, 6pm
January 30, 6pm
February 6, 6pm
Workshop: February 27 HAS BEEN CANCELED
Celebration Mass: March 9, 10-12:30pm