BAPTISMS at St. Dunstan Parish
The word “baptism” comes from the Greek and means to “plunge” or “immerse” (CCC 1214). As a sacrament, it is an outward, physical sign manifesting a divine action. It imparts an inward grace, by which we both embrace and are embraced by the redemption won for us by Christ. Through Baptism, we enter into “heavenly” life, that is, life with God.
Therefore, Baptism becomes the "door" or "gateway" to a spiritual life in Christ. Through Baptism, a person is freed from Original Sin and all past sins, reborn as an adopted child of God, initiated into the Church, and "bonded" to other Christians.
Through this sacrament, the entire family of the baptized makes a commitment to the Church to live a life of Catholic faith. That life manifests itself in participation in the life of the parish community.
If you are interested in having a child baptized at St. Dunstan Parish, please note the following:
· Families must be registered, active members of the parish.
· First-time parents are required to participate in a baptismal preparation session with the pastor or the deacon.
· The selection of godparents is an important decision. Godparents are expected to help the parents in the Catholic faith formation of the child. In choosing godparents, please consider the following:
o Typically parents designate two people (one man, one woman) to fulfill the roles of godparents. However, only one Catholic in good standing is required.
o A godparent must be at least sixteen years of age and a baptized Catholic who has also received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
o Is neither the father nor the mother of the child.
o A godparent must live a life consistent with the precepts of the Catholic faith. If unmarried, the godparent must be living a chaste life. If married, the godparent must have been married in the Catholic church.
o A non-Catholic Christian may serve as a Christian Witness. However, a person who has been baptized as a Catholic and has subsequently renounced the Catholic faith may not serve in the role of Godparent or Christian Witness.
Baptisms are typically held after the Sunday 10:00 am Mass. For complete information about being baptized at St. Dunstan, please call the office (860)-633-3317.