For Families with 1st-6th Graders
Families Forming Disciples
This new Faith Formation program for families with 1st-6th graders brings the whole family together to encourage family prayer and discussion about faith inside your homes to promote a deeper relationship with Jesus. The program runs on a 4-week monthly rotation. Details below.
General Schedule
In-person meeting in Fr. Bannon Hall where catechists will present the lesson for the month, usually including a video, and a hands on activity for the kids
Families will complete an at-home family mission activity on their own time. Instructions for this activity will be discussed at the previous in-person meeting and will always be available on this page (see menu to the right)
Virtual meeting taking place on Zoom where families will have a chance to discuss the at-home activity they completed the previous week
No meeting this week, but children preparing for a sacrament this year will have a chance to complete their workbook assignments. We will also hold a Family Mass where children will be invited on to the altar for a child-centric homily and families can participate in Mass by acting as greeters and handing out bulletins after Mass. Follow Mass in Fr. Bannon Hall, families will share some treats, enjoy fellowship, and (during certain months) have an opportunity to take part in a service project that we call our Community Mission
This Month’s Programming
If you are unable to attend this month's in-person lesson, here is the content we covered:
Lesson 5, Week 1, God’s Covenant with Abraham -
Lesson 5, Week 2
The Story of the Magi -
First Reconciliation Workbook:
Lessons 11-13 and Review PageFirst Communion Workbook:
Lessons 3-4 and Review Page -
Sunday 1/19, 7pm
Click here to join
Meeting ID
812 6695 6834Monday 1/20, 7pm
Click here to join
Meeting ID
831 7148 8397Thursday 1/23, 7pm
Click here to join
Meeting ID
868 6731 1143 -
This month we will be making Valentine’s for the elderly to be distributed at several care facilities in the area. We will be taking donations of construction paper, doilies, stickers, etc, anything to make our Valentine’s extra special! After Family Mass on 1/26, we will gather in Fr. Bannon Hall to create and decorate!
2nd and 3rd Grade Sacraments
Saturday March 8, 10am
Prep Day: Sunday February 23 11:15-1:15
Rehearsal: Friday March 7, 6pmStudents preparing for either sacrament this year will be given a workbook to take home. Work in these books will be assigned during the Bonus Week each month and should be completed by children with the guidance of parents. The activities are hands-on and will help them prepare for their big day!
In addition to these assignments, each sacrament will have a “Prep Day” that will be a longer, more immersive experience to get the children ready for their sacrament. The Prep Day will include some instruction, reflection, and hands-on activities as well.
Saturday May 3, 4pm
Sunday May 4, 10am
Prep Day: Sunday April 6, 11:15-1:15
Rehearsal: Friday May 2, 6pmStudents preparing for either sacrament this year will be given a workbook to take home. Work in these books will be assigned during the Bonus Week each month and should be completed by children with the guidance of parents. The activities are hands-on and will help them prepare for their big day!
In addition to these assignments, each sacrament will have a “Prep Day” that will be a longer, more immersive experience to get the children ready for their sacrament. The Prep Day will include some instruction, reflection, and hands-on activities as well.
Family Mass
During Family Mass, children are invited onto the altar for a child-centric homily, and families are asked to volunteer to act as greeters and hand out bulletins after Mass. We also ask for volunteers to bring in baked goods and treats for fellowship in Fr. Bannon Hall after Mass. This year we are also offering a community mission opportunity after certain Family Masses as well.
All Family Masses will take place at 10:00am
September 29
October 27
November 17*
December 22
January 26
February 23
March 23
May 18
*This Mass will take place on the 3rd Sunday of the cycle, instead of the 4th.
Sunday Option
September 8, 11am
October 6, 11am
November 3, 11am
December 1, 11am
January 5, 11am
February 2, 11am
March 2, 11am
March 30, 11am
April 27, 11:am
September 22, 7pm
October 20, 7pm
November 17, 7pm
December 15, 7pm
January 19, 7pm
*No Virtual Meeting in February*
March 16, 7pm
No April meeting due to Easter
Due to Mother’s Day, Please join Monday May 12 or Thursday May 15 both at 7pm
Meeting Schedule
Monday Option
September 9, 6pm
October 7, 6pm
November 4, 6pm
December 2, 6pm
January 6, 6pm
February 3, 6pm
March 3, 6pm
March 31, 6pm
April 28, 6pm
September 23, 7pm
October 21, 7pm
November 18, 7pm
December 16, 7pm
January 20, 7pm
*No Virtual Meeting in February*
March 17, 7pm
No April meeting due to Easter
May 12, 7pm
Thursday Option
September 12, 6pm
October 10, 6pm
November 7, 6pm
December 5, 6pm
January 9, 6pm
February 6, 6pm
March 6, 6pm
April 3, 6pm
May 1, 6pm
September 26, 7pm
October 24, 7pm
November 21, 7pm
December 19, 7pm
January 23, 7pm
*No Virtual Meeting in February*
March 20, 7pm
No April meeting due to Easter
May 15, 7pm
Faith Formation Coordinator
Amy Morganson
Parish cell: (959)599-2527