Please submit all bulletin announcements in writing at least one week prior to accommodate the publishers deadlines.
Please email your announcement to admin@stdunstanparish.org
Baptismal Preparation class is required. Please call the office.
Baptisms are typically held on the first and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Call the parish office at 860-633-3317 or E-Mail Office to set up a Baptismal date.
The Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of Hartford offers a six-week Confirmation class for adults.
This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who would like to be confirmed.
For more information you can emailJennifer.McClintock@aohct.org.
Phone: (860) 243-9465
Fax: (860) 243-9690 -
The RCIA is for adults who have never been baptized or for those who have been baptized in another faith and would like to join the Catholic Church. It is also for Catholics who have not yet received their First Eucharist and Confirmation.
The process begins in September or October, and RCIA members receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
Call the office for more information (860) 633-3317.