2024-2025 Program Documents for Year 1:
Service Hours Sheet is here
Community Service list is here
Sponsor Selection Form is here
CONFIRMATION SPONSOR FORM (to be filled out by the sponsor and handed in to the coordinator)
Our Mission Statement:
That the light of Christ may be
...Kindled in our children
…Radiated through our families and
...Spread throughout our community.
Our Vision: We will celebrate being Catholic with our children through classes, prayer, service, and Mass. We will model being Catholic through our actions and service projects. We will encourage our families to share their gifts and to live the Catholic faith in our community.
2024-2025 Program Documents for Year 2:
Service Hours Sheet is here
Statement of Faith Document is here
Saint Name document is here
Parents MUST complete all information on this form by February 1, 2025:
(Complete all required information and return to coordinator in hard copy form)